

Authorize Security Equipment Purchases
Accept Donation from McDonald's Corporation
Accept MDSP, Emergency Management Division Homeland Security Grant
Authorize Continuation of Contract for Staff Consultant Services 
Renew Retention Program Contract with City of Lansing 
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation: Grant Contract 
Kent Health Plan Agreement: Authorize Amendment 
Capital Area Youth Alliance: Partner with Kellogg Foundation Grant
Change Status of Early Childhood Consultant Position 
Resolution Making Staffing Adjustments in the Health Department
Department of Labor and Economic Growth: Licensing Support Services (OYC) 
Miller Building Systems: Public Safety Radio Communication System Equipment Shelters
Accept Vehicle Light Bars from Alert Emergency Equipment Group 
Authorize Use of Stun Gun for Conversion into Equipment 
Amend Policy to Charge Municipalities for the Medical Costs of Certain Inmates at the Ingham County Jail 
Recognize "Women's History Month" 
MI Department of Labor and Economic Growth" 2004 Remonumentation Project 
Ronnie M. Lester: County Representative, Remonumentation Project 
Amend 2003 Apportionment Report 
Accept Donated Funds and Authorize Purchase of a Colposcope 
Highfields: Start Program 
Highfields: Family Intervention Residential Service Team Program 
MDSP: State Homeland Security Grant, Part II First Responder Training 
MI Commission on Law Enforcement Standards: 160-Hour Correctional Academy Grant
MI Commission on Law Enforcement Standards: Regional Pursuit Driving Grant
Authorize Use of Two Night Vision Optical Devices 
Modify Park Rules and Regulations
Grant for Development of the River Trail-South 
Grant to Develop a Spray Water Playground at Hawk Island County Park 
Establish Budget Calendar for 2005 
Amendment #2: 2003-2004 CPBC Agreement with MDCH 
Agreement with Lansing-Mason Ambulance for Medical Examiner Transports 
Interpreter Services Agreement with Hospital Purchasing Services
W.K. Kellogg Foundation: Social Justice in Public Health Practice Grant 
Accept Donations for Operation/ Temporary Staffing of Baker-Donora Focus Center
Irish Construction Company, Inc.: Renovation of "Old Sheriff's Residence" 
Authorize Reorganization of Commissary Clerk Position 
Agreement with Secure Care to complete review of Medical Services at Jail 
Contract with Justice Benefits, Inc. regarding Correctional Facility Operations  
Opposing House Bill 4234 
Schindler Elevator: Grady Porter Building 
Moore's Security Services: Uniformed Guards at Various Buildings
Mid-South Substance Abuse Commission: Tobacco Compliance Check/Vendor Education
Implement Job Description Changes, Establish Classification and Salary Grades Resulting from Patient Redesign Project 
Authorize Practice Management System Consulting Contract with Plante Moran

Seek Proposals to Provide Treatment Beds for Female Juveniles 
Create Position of Attorney/Referee with Juvenile Division 
Community Mental Health Board: Family and Youth Intervention Partnership Program 
Delhi Township/Ingham County: Two Year Law Enforcement Services 
Approve Federal Emergency Management Agency's FY 2001-2004 Project Impact Grant
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